Volunteering Opportunities

Friends of Hertford Castle
The Friends of Hertford Castle are an invaluable group of volunteers who help conduct Castle tours and steward at Castle open days. Since it was set up in 2009, the volunteers have welcomed thousands of visitors to the castle to explore the grounds, the ancient walls that surround their perimeter and inside the castle.
Membership is free of charge and commitment can vary from stewarding for a two hour period through to becoming a tour guide. Involvement is flexible for volunteers and the group welcomes everyone with an interest in the Castle and its history or who just wants to help in the community. There is no need for prior knowledge of the Castle and its history though, as information is provided.
To register your interest please complete the Volunteer Application Form and return by e-mail to events@hertford.gov.uk, or alternatively please call 01992 552885 for more information.

Community Litter Picking Project
The project is an initiative designed to encourage residents to volunteer to care for their community and local environment by collecting litter from their streets or local area. This project is not designed to replace the regular street cleansing regime carried out by East Herts Council, but to supplement it.
Members of the public are asked to choose an area which they would wish to ‘adopt’ and the Town Council will supply the appropriate equipment, such as litter pickers, hi-visibility jackets and plastic rubbish sacks. The volunteer can go out as often or as little as they choose, but just half an hour once a week will make a big difference to a clean and tidier town. To find out more about this project and how to join click here.

Other Volunteering Opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering in Hertford, please pay Hertford Town & Tourist Information Centre a visit at 10-12 The Wash. The staff will help guide you on what is available and how to get started.
Hertford Town & Tourist Information Centre also organise Volunteer Fairs where you will have a chance to speak to members of voluntary organisations based in Hertford, please keep an eye out on the events page for details.
Also available at Hertford Town & Tourist Information Centre is a comprehensive directory of charities and voluntary organisations, so either visit in person or call 01992 584322.