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Mayor Making

The Mayor of Hertford is elected by their fellow councillors at the first meeting of the Council in the municipal year. 

This meeting is more of a ceremonial event and is normally referred to as 'Mayor-making'. The Mayor will hold this post for one year and they do not have any political allegiances.

It was a historic first when Hertford Town Council held the ‘Mayor-making’ Ceremony virtually in May 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To view the ceremony online click here.

The Mayor’s role is to chair full meetings of the council in accordance with standing orders, and conduct the meeting in a fair and impartial manner. The Mayor also represents Hertford at civic events and functions each year, including award-giving receptions and local and community events. 

The Mayor will also host visits to the Mayor's Parlour at Hertford Castle for local schools, twinning groups and other organisations and voluntary groups.

Mayor of Hertford Councillor Vicky Smith

Mayor of Hertford 2024/25

For the 2024/25 municipal year the Mayor of Hertford is Councillor Rachel Carter

The Mayor of Hertford is happy to support and promote local events such as school events, award evenings, art exhibitions, local business promotions or community events.

- The Deputy Mayor is Town and District Councillor, Cllr Steven Watson

Each Mayor selects at least one charity to support and organises events to raise funds throughout the Mayoral year. 

Councillor Rachel Carter has chosen Hertford and District Guides & Citizens Advice East Herts as their chosen charities for 2024/25. To make a donation please click here

Photography by: Scott Garrod

Invite the Mayor

If you would like to invite the Mayor to an event or you are interested in supporting the Mayor of Hertford's Appeal Fund please email: Mayoral@hertford.gov.uk

Alternatively, please download and complete the 'Invite the Mayor' invitation form here:

Download Invitation Form
Mace Bearer, Sword Bearer, Honor Bearer

The Sergeants at Mace

At major civic events, the robe, chain and badge of office are worn and the Mayor is preceded by the Sergeants at Mace, the Mace Bearer, Sword Bearer, and Honor Bearer. Stave Bearers are not officially SAM's but can also accompany the Mayor.

Nowadays the role of the SAMs is largely ceremonial, being primarily to attend and accompany the Mayor and council. They also assist the council in its civic functions which occur throughout the year and, most importantly, take personal responsibility for the safekeeping of the council's mace, sword, and honor at all such events. 

They lend gravitas to the varied functions that the Mayor and Councillors attend, and ensure that the traditions associated with the mayoralty are maintained.

They also are responsible for ensuring that, on civic ceremonial occasions, the Mayor is appropriately robed and wearing the mayoral chain and that, on such occasions, ceremonial robes are available for Councillors and the Town Clerk. 

The SAMs also ensure that the Mace, Sword, Honor, and all civic silver is kept in good order and clean.

The Mayor's Cadets

The role of the Mayor’s Cadet is to accompany the Mayor to public civic events which includes the Remembrance Parade and Service, they may also be present to assist in Flying the Flag for Armed Forces Day, and any other Commemorative Parades and Services. 

The Mayor’s Cadet may be asked to present a reading or perform a duty such as carrying a wreath for the Mayor. The role gives a visible association with local cadets of the armed forces.

All Mayors since 1605

All Mayors since 1605

Click here to view all of Hertford's Mayors since 1605

From 1605 - 2024

Last updated: May 2024

The Mayor's Office

Hertford Town Council
Hertford Castle
SG14 1HR
Telephone: 01992 552 885

All cheques should be made payable to: The Mayor of Hertford's Charities 2024/25