The Hertford Sword

The Corporation records show that in 1678 Sir Charles Caesar, Member of Parliament for the Borough, gave "one hundred pounds towards renewing of the Charter and purchasing of a sword and any such other things for the good and credit of this Corporation." The sword itself was made by one Andreia Farara, an Italian craftsman working at his trade during the period 1550-1600.
It has a Silver gilt hilt with cross guards and a straight double edged blade 36" in length.
The scabbard is also of Italian workmanship and dates around the time of presentation, probably 1680. The ornamentation includes the Royal Arms of the Duchy of Lancaster.
The privilege of carrying a sword before the Mayor in addition to the Mace was granted by the Charter of Charles II in 1680.
The sword was repaired and restored to its present condition, the funds being provided by businesses, associations and citizens of, or having connections with, the Town. This restoration was carried out in 1981.