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Hertford Town Council are pleased to offer grants to help local organisations, charities or Hertford based community improvement projects. 

Over 2024/2025, the Hertford Town Council Community Fund has allocated up to £10,000 to individual local organisations or charities based on a criteria laid out in the application process.

Please find details below on the organisations and charities that have benefited from the funding so far:

2nd Bengeo Scouts - Storage container for gas bottles to be stored safely

East Herts Citizens Advice - Work to support the organisation

East Herts District Council - Activities on safety 

Green Rovers - Running of vintage buses

Hertford and Ware Air Training - New flight simulator

Hertford Contact Centre - Centre for children and non resident parents to meet

Hertfordshire Festival of Music - Annual Festival

Herts and  Middlesex Wildlife Trust - Interpretation panels

Mudlarks - New polytunnel for growing

Reanella Trust - Six week football and emotional wellbeing course for 13-18 year olds with bipolar disorder

Sporting Inspirations CIC - Weekly sports activities for 11-19 year olds
