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What is our mission?

Hertford Town Council's Mission Statement

“We will work together with the people of Hertford to make our town even more vibrant, green, and inclusive. A historic town that is ready for tomorrow." 

This aims to make Hertford:

 • a welcoming place to live, work and learn

• a place where diversity is recognised and celebrated

• a place where the natural environment is valued and enhanced

• a place where strong local partnerships deliver for all

• a place where business and local groups will thrive.

The Objectives of Hertford Town Council for 2023-2027 are:

1. To safeguard and enhance the natural environment and increase net biodiversity. 

2. To build strong links with residents, business and other stakeholders and empower them to develop vibrant communities. 

3. To foster a spirit of Hertford – celebrating its rich historical, natural, and cultural heritage through the arts, music, culture, and sport. 

4. To support the continued environmental, spatial, and economic development of Hertford with a focus on enhancing the vibrant town centre. 

5. To operate with sound financial management and good governance in all our activities. 

These were adopted by Full Council in October 2023. They will be met, achieved and delivered through Full Council and the Council's Committee structure.

What is The Constitution?

The purpose of The Constitution is to set out how Hertford Town Council works and how it makes decisions.

The Constitution is a living document, kept under continual review. The documents which form the constitution are re-examined annually by the Finance, Policy & Administration Committee.

Standing orders provide procedures and controls for the management of council business. 
