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Annual Town Meeting: 20th March 2025 - 7.30pm, Hertford Castle. Residents welcome.

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Volunteering Focus for Hertford Town & Tourist Information Centre

Posted in Press Release

Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre is increasing its focus on supporting volunteering in the town, inviting local charities to run awareness sessions in its premises, and promoting a wide range of volunteer opportunities. 

Over the past few months, charities have run sessions in the Centre to explain what they do and seek new volunteers.  This has had an impressive impact with recruitment drive sessions as well as playing vital roles in transforming the lives of people. MCR Pathways currently hold two mentor recruitment sessions per month, whilst Hertfordshire Age UK are booking the space to recruit volunteers as they are looking to increase their volunteers combating loneliness in Hertford.

More space within the Centre is being devoted to displaying details of local volunteering opportunities. Charities and voluntary groups seeking volunteers are encouraged to provide details of these for display, and people looking to see what they might volunteer to do are urged to visit and see what’s on offer.

The Town and Tourist Information Centre is located at 10-12 The Wash, opposite Hertford Theatre.

Cllr Jane Sartin, Chairman of Hertford Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, said: " Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre is very much here for residents as well as visitors, and I’m delighted that it is increasing its focus on local volunteering opportunities.  Whatever your age, volunteering is a great way to learn new skills, meet new people and give something back to our community.  I hope that the Town and Tourist Information Centre will become known as the place to go if you need volunteers, or are willing to give time to help others." 

Local charities or voluntary groups can send details of volunteer vacancies, or find about more about running a session, by dropping into the Town and Tourist Information Centre, or emailing tic@hertford.gov.uk 

Further reading