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Annual Town Meeting: 20th March 2025 - 7.30pm, Hertford Castle. Residents welcome.

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Press Release 2020

Posted in Press Release


Since 27th April food parcels equivalent to over 37,000 meals have been delivered by local volunteer group Hertford to families in and around Hertford needing extra support during this difficult period, with up to 62 families being supported at the height of lockdown.

Hertford was set up by Debs Bonfield and Annegret Scott, in conjunction with local schools to provide fresh food and has really helped families during a time when schools have been closed and children have been unable to access school meals.

Councillor Deering said ‘This is a fantastic scheme showing true community spirit. It’s a real credit to Hertford. It is overwhelming to see how much support has been given. Thank you to everyone in the town and beyond who has so generously supported this both through donations and time given’.

Since March, over £7,500 has been generously donated by people in Hertford plus copious fresh food donations.

The scheme was given a boost with a £1,200 community grant from Hertford Town Council in July and a further 120 boxes of food from Hertfordshire County Council when Operation Shield ended at the beginning of August. Since March, over £,7,500 has been generously donated by people in Hertford plus copious fresh food donations.

Councillor Richard Roberts, Executive Member for Adult Care and Health at Hertfordshire County Council added ‘Hertfordshire County Council have supported well over 6000 vulnerable households shielding to stay safe as a result of the pandemic. By the 14th August the Council had delivered in excess of 112,000 Operation Shield care packages to individual homes, with a further 12,000 parcels going out to organisations across the County who were supporting their local community. When shielding came to an end we were delighted to offer further support to local charities, food banks, town and parish councils by dispersing the remaining Shield stocks quickly and as widely as possible so that those still in need of support could be reached. We are delighted that as part of this we were able to support Hertford Town Council and the fantastic efforts of local volunteers such as Debs Bonfield and Annegret Scott.‘

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Hertford Castle Enchanted Fairy Trail

From Saturday 22nd August until Sunday 6th September, Hertford Castle will welcome fairies and elves whose homes will be on display to visitors and nestled around the enchanted grounds.

The Hertford Castle Fairy Trail is organised by Hertford Town Council and FREE for families and visitors of all ages to explore, seven days a week from 6.30am until 9pm, during the opening times of the castle grounds.

Multiple mythical creature displays will be hidden within the castle grounds and around the flower gardens, river, stone walls and ancient trees.

With help from local organisations and charities, visitors, residents and families are invited to enjoy the first enchanted fairy trail the Town Council has organised, aimed at providing a fun activity for free during the summer holidays.

All we ask if that you look and don’t touch the displays, as we don’t want the fairies and elves to get frightened and not return next year!

Whilst in Hertford, we encourage visitors to support the local businesses in the town centre by purchasing take away food and beverages to hold a picnic within the picturesque setting of the castle grounds. Alternatively why not make the most of the ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme and dine in at the multitude of cafes, restaurants and delis the county town has on offer saving up to £10 per person from Monday – Wednesday during August.

Chairman of Hertford Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said: “Hertford Castle offers the perfect setting for fairies and elves to spend their summer holidays, and I hope we’ll see visitors of all ages enjoying visiting their temporary homes. With the Castle in the heart of the town, it will also be a great opportunity to spend time in the town centre, making the most of the wealth of shops and places to eat and drink.”

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Eat Out to Help Out

Customers who dine out Monday – Wednesday from 3rd August – 31st August 2020 will get a discount worth up to £10 per head.

The discount, named ‘Eat Out to Help Out’, is part of a new government scheme to help boost the hospitality industry and support thousands of businesses and jobs.

The discount can be applied to food and non-alcoholic drink purchased to consume on premises.

Hertford, the county town of Hertfordshire, is well renowned for its eateries, offering a variety of cuisines for all budgets.

From independent restaurants and cafes specialising in authentic dishes and local quality produce, to the nations favourite chains, Hertford has something available for all tastes and cravings.

Over 79 restaurants, bars, cafes and pubs within the Hertford vicinity have already signed up to the ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme where customers will save 50% off their bill up to £10 per person.

Some of the Hertford locations confirmed include

Old SiamIlVino Hertford House Hotel
The White Horse HotelLussmansBebo Café
The Turkish KitchenLOMO RestaurantThe Snug Bar
Hertford BellThe Hertford ClubLeaf Café
IlVino Bar CaféCinnabarThe Old Barge
SubwayDinnio RestaurantVeysos Brasserie
The MillstreamThe White HorseMcDonald’s

 To find a full list of venues participating in the discount scheme visit https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/eat-out-to-help-out/find-a-restaurant

Chairman of the Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said: “Hertford has a wealth of restaurants, pubs and cafes, so is a great place to take advantage of the East Out to Help Out scheme. Whatever your favourite type of food and setting, you are sure to find somewhere in the town to enjoy a meal out in the coming weeks.”

For more information on all Hertford businesses visit gohertford.co.uk

Live Local, Love Local, Shop Local.

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Love Hertford Local Giveaway

Hertford Town Council will be holding a town centre giveaway from 1st - 15th August 2020.

Gift tags will be hidden around the town centre with the ‘Love Hertford Local’ logo on.

If you find a Love Hertford Local gift tag, you have won a prize.

Gift tags will be hanging from locations such as lamp columns and railings around the town centre for locals and visitors to find and keep.

The gift tags will detail on the back what the lucky finder has won.

10 gift tags with the following prizes will be hidden throughout the giveaway campaign.

Date Gift Tags are HiddenPrizes Available
Saturday 1st August10x free cinema tickets to use at Hertford Theatre, The Wash, Hertford
Wednesday 5th August10x £5 vouchers for Clock Cards, Railway Street, Hertford
Saturday 8th August

10x £5 vouchers to be used at one of the following
McMullen’s Brewery establishments in Hertford:
The Salisbury Arms, The Practitioner, The Woolpack or The White Hart

Wednesday 12th August10x £5 vouchers for Magpie Amore, St Andrew Street, Hertford
Saturday 15th August10x £5 vouchers for Frankie & Olive, Old Cross, Hertford

Chairman of the Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said: “I hope this initiative will add to the reasons to shop in Hertford over the coming weeks, and provide a fun activity for all ages. Business and shoppers have embraced the ‘Love Hertford Local’ campaign, and this competition is set to remind everyone of the importance of shopping locally to support our town centre, as well as to benefit from all it has to offer.”

Terms and Conditions

The gift tag voucher will be redeemable at the location detailed until 1st October 2020.

It is not possible to exchange the voucher for a cash alternative.

One gift tag per person.

Hertford Town Council has funded this giveaway to promote the local variety of shops and businesses within the town centre and encourage visitors to visit Hertford and shop locally to support the town centre.

For more information on all Hertford businesses visit gohertford.co.uk

Live Local, Love Local, Shop Local.

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Hertford Town Council’s Finance, Policy and Administration Committee met on Monday 29th June where Cllr Peter Ruffles was elected Chairman and Cllr Jan Goodeve was re-elected as Vice Chair. Grants totalling £4,400 were awarded to five organisations and good causes in the town.

Community grants were awarded to:

East Herts Community Safety Partnership, who were awarded £1000 towards the cost of the summer activities programme for young people.

Edward Shattock, who was awarded £200 towards attending the Scouts EuroJam in Poland in 2021

Citizens Advice East Herts, who were awarded £1200 towards the cost towards IT equipment to enable more volunteers to work at home and provide advice

Hertfordshire Boat Rescue, who were awarded £800 towards additional patrols along the rivers in Hertford.

Carers in Hertfordshire, who were awarded £1200 or to purchase two mobile phones, two laptops and training for additional volunteers to provide ‘keep in touch calls to vulnerable Carers in the Hertford area.

The Chairman of the Finance, Policy and Administration Committee, Cllr Peter Ruffles, said: I am pleased to have been elected as Chairman of Hertford Town Council’s Finance Committee together with Cllr Jan Goodeve as Vice-Chair. These are difficult times for the town and the community but it is good news that the Town Council is in a sound financial position so that it can continue to support local individuals, groups, and organisations.

Available Grants from Hertford Town Council

Community Grants

Grants of up to £1,200 are awarded under this scheme for a range of purposes; including public events, projects being undertaken by local voluntary organisations and endeavours by individuals which show a clear benefit to Hertford residents.

New Homes Bonus Grants

Grants of up to £30,000 are available from the New Homes Bonus fund for ambitious projects to enhance and improve communities in Hertford. Available funding will be used to support and encourage a diverse range of improvement schemes and projects across all age ranges, a wide range of interests and wherever possible innovative initiatives to meet the needs of Hertford residents and businesses.

Applications are considered quarterly at the meetings of the Finance, Policy and Administration Committee. Deadlines for receipt of applications are as follows:

14 September 2020
30 November 2020
15 February 2021

If you would wish to apply on behalf of a Hertford based project or business, please complete the application form, available to download at HERE

To view case studies on organisations and charities that have already benefited from funding visiting our Working with the community page.

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Hertford Calendar Competition 2021

Calling all budding, professional and hobbyist photographers. The hunt is once again on for photographs to represent Hertford in the town’s official calendar, published by Hertford Town Council and sold in Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre. 13 winners will be selected to make up the 12 months and front cover of the calendar.

Photographs can be as creative as you wish but must be in landscape format.

We are looking for a variety of images to cover all seasons. Photographs must be of Hertford and could be of the parks and gardens, the town’s four rivers, historic landmarks, events taking place or something else that the eye of the beholder sees interest and beauty in.

Photographs must be submitted by the closing date of Friday 21st August. To enter, simply send an email with the high resolution photograph to tic@hertford.gov.uk along with your name, address, telephone number, and where in Hertford it was taken. Please note entrants are asked to submit a maximum of three photographs.

Successful applicants will be presented a complimentary calendar and certificate by the Mayor of Hertford, further details to be confirmed.

The Mayor of Hertford, Cllr Bob Deering, said: “We are lucky to have a wealth of possibilities for pictures of Hertford that capture the town's history, scenic views and interesting buildings. I'm really looking forward to judging the competition later in the year, and hope that many people will be inspired to share their pictures of Hertford from throughout the year to be a part of the 2021 calendar showcasing our town.”

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Hertford is Open for Business

This Monday morning, Hertford Town Centre is back open for business – boutiques and antiques, electrical and homeware, jewellers and florists are opening their doors to customers once more, alongside essential businesses such as food outlets and pharmacies who have been open and serving the local community during lockdown.

The Mayor of Hertford, Cllr Bob Deering, showed his support of Hertford Town Council’s ‘Love Hertford’ local shopping campaign by taking to the streets to welcome businesses back again, and to demonstrate to local residents how important it is to support the initiative.

The Mayor of Hertford, Cllr Bob Deering said:

“We have a wonderfully diverse selection of local shops and businesses, befitting of our status of County Town – I for one have missed them all very much and I’m sure our local residents of Hertford and the surrounding areas have also.

“It is a proven fact that for every £10 spent locally, this becomes £50 when spent with other local businesses, so supporting our local shops means we are helping our local economy to thrive, which benefits us all. If you live in Hertford or nearby – do please shop locally and support our businesses at a time when they really do need it.”

Hertfordshire County Council has implemented social distancing measures to ensure a comfortable shopping environment, plus all businesses are putting new health and safety measures in place to provide a safe shopping experience for customers.

So, when you need to shop, please shop local – Hertford shops need your support.

Live Local, Love Local, Shop Local.

For more information on all Hertford businesses visit gohertford.co.uk

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Love Hertford Local Shopping Campaign

Live Local, Love Local, Shop Local.

If you are a Hertford resident or live in the surrounding area, you’ll soon start to notice a new campaign being launched by Hertford Town Council.

The ‘Love Hertford Local’ shopping campaign will be promoting all types of local businesses, providing ongoing support as the town begins to re-open its doors for business.
Hertford has a diverse and unique selection of attractive shops and businesses offering everything you could possibly need – for your home, garden, hobbies, interests, entertainment and family – why shop anywhere else?

Chairman of the Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said:
“It goes without saying that the last few months have been extremely worrying for our local businesses. Many have had to stop trading for a period of time, or innovate and completely change the way that they operate.
A lot of work is going into ensuring our town centre can re-open safely, to provide a comfortable shopping environment that people can feel confident to be in. Businesses are also putting new health and safety measures in place to provide a safe shopping experience for customers.
We’re asking that when you need to shop, please shop local – Hertford shops need your support.”

If you live local – shop local. Got a social distancing BBQ to look forward to? Why not treat yourself to a new outfit from one of the many boutiques – where there will be lots of special treats waiting for you this summer. Missing eating out? Why not try a new dining experience and order from one of the many eateries the county town has to offer? Found some old pictures or prints during your time at home? Why not choose a new photo frame from one of the antiques shops or homeware stores in town?

For more information on all Hertford businesses visit gohertford.co.uk

Live Local, Love Local, Shop Local.

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The Town Council via Zoom on Thursday is pleased to announce that Councillor Bob Deering was elected as the new Mayor of Hertford for the Civic Year 2020/21 at the Annual Meeting of the Council, held 22nd May 2020.

For the first time, the meeting was live streamed. If you missed it, you can view it on Hertford Town Council's YouTube page.
Cllr. Deering has been a resident in and about Hertford for a long time and was elected to the Town Council in 2015. He is also a Councillor for East Herts District Council and Hertfordshire County Council.
Cllr. Deering’s chosen charities for the year are the Samaritans and Isabel Hospice.
Councillor Miss Jane Sartin was elected Deputy Mayor for 2020/21. Jane has given enormous service to Hertford and was herself Mayor in 2012.

Cllr. Deering said: “Hertford is a special place and I am enormously honoured to be the Mayor for the forthcoming year. These are exceptional times. My year as Mayor will be very different from all those in the more than 400 Mayoral years that precede me. I became a Councillor to give something back and I will do my best to work for the best interests of every citizen of Hertford.”


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Despite many of the County Town’s businesses having to temporarily close or move to online-only services due to COVID-19, Hertford’s retailers dug deep and generously donated prizes totalling thousands of pounds for a fundraising competition organised by Hertford Town Council.

Thirty-three local businesses donated prizes to the competition fundraiser which raised £3005 for East and North Hertfordshire Hospitals’ Charity.

The funds raised have gone to their COVID-19 Appeal and cover four NHS hospitals across Hertfordshire: Hertford County, Lister, New QEII and Mount Vernon Cancer Centre.

A total of 168 people entered the competition donating money to the worthy cause.

Cllr Jane Sartin, Chairman of the Development and Leisure Committee, said:

“Hertford’s businesses were very generous in their donations of goods and services in what is a challenging time for them. Thank you to everyone who supported this with their financial donations to the East and North Hertfordshire Hospitals’ Charity. As our town centre starts to come back to life over the coming weeks and months, I hope Hertford residents will support our local businesses which play such an important role in our community.”

Claire Adams, Community Fundraiser at East and North Hertfordshire Hospitals’ Charity, said:

“We’re extremely grateful for the thousands of pounds raised by the online raffle. We would like to thank Hertford Town Council, all the retailers who gave so many fantastic prizes and everyone who made a donation to buy tickets.

The money raised will go towards our #HereForEachOther appeal, which is supporting the physical and emotional wellbeing of our hospitals’ staff as they work hard to serve our communities through the COVID-19 outbreak.”

Winners were chosen using a random number generator and are listed below. They can also be viewed online by visiting www.gohertford.co.uk Winners should email events@hertford.gov.uk or telephone 01992 552885 for details on how to claim their prize before 30th June 2020. Prizes that are not claimed by this time will be re raffled.

1. Mint of Hertford - A £40 gift voucher to spend in store or online

Hilary Thomas

2. The White Hart - A £30 gift voucher to spend at the pub & restaurant

Chloe Herbert

3. Saks - GHD Classic Hair Straighteners worth £119

Rhonda Smith

4. Brothership Studio - An A3 Love Bomb artwork print worth £300

Alexandra Parkes

5. Highway Cycles - A Bontrager Mips Helmet

Rekha Ranchordas

6. Messages - A £25 gift voucher to spend in store

Amy Dunklin

7. Photography by Louise - A full studio photography session with Louise plus a framed 8”x6” image worth £100

Peter Allen

8. Headlines Hertford - A £100 voucher to spend in salon

Nina Nash

9. Number One Port Hill - A night’s stay in the hotel for two including breakfast worth £160

Helen Nash

10. Gingerlillie Boutique - A pair of Glitter Gold Sliders

Jeanie Buckingham

11. Mick’s Barbers - A year’s worth of free haircuts at the Hertford barber shop

Simon Cockley

12. The Practitioner - A £30 gift voucher to spend at the cocktail bar

Rosemary Bolton

13. IlVino Restaurant - A £50 gift voucher for dining at the restaurant

Karen Brinklow

14. Mudlarks Garden Café - One visit by the Mudlarks Special Branch gardening team to make over your garden

Alex Pitchers

15. Lee & Stort Boat Company - A family return ticket on the Ware and Hertford Waterbus

Maeve Ennis

16. Total Body Fit Camp - 6 Week Kickstart Programme worth £147

Louise London

17. Toni & Guy - A hair treatment, haircut, blow-dry and complimentary products

Vanessa Montgomery Williams

18. The Woolpack - A £30 gift voucher to spend at the pub & restaurant

Jane Rowe

19. The Old Barge - A £50 food and drink voucher to spend in store

Alan Antonelli

20. Chio Fernandez - An A3 print of a sunrise landscape in South Africa

Zhixin Lim

21. Lussmanns - A Ready Meal for Two including main courses, puddings and a bottle of red or white wine to be collected

Judith Adams

22. Frankie & Olive - A £50 gift voucher to spend in store

Linda Juniper

23. The Perfect Smile Studios - Free course of teeth whitening at the Hertford practice worth

Michelle Goodwin

24. The Skull Club - Free haircut and beard trim worth £25

Martin Head

25. Fred and Ginger - Cloud Nine curling wand worth £119

Ella Bottoms

26. Leaf Café - A £25 voucher to spend in café

Brenda White

27. Hertford House - Bottomless Steak for 2

Cassie Jordan

28. Lance James The Jewellers - A £50 gift voucher to spend in store

Elizabeth Pfeuti

29. Hertford Cake Co - A £20 voucher to spend in store

Sophia Bidwell

30. Kids Connection - A £40 gift voucher to spend in store

Rosie Miragliotta

31. Rossi's Attic - A £50 voucher to spend in store

Sarah Whitten

32. Salisbury Arms - Cream Tea for 2

Sharon Clark

33. Albany Radio - TEFAL Blender worth £200

Kerrie Jeynes

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Hertford Town Council Awards Community Grant to Support those working to combat Covid 19

Manic Ceramics of 22 Port Vale, Hertford are the first organisation to be awarded a £1 200 Community Grant by Hertford Town Council under its expanded scheme available for those who need resources to combat Covid-19.

The Chairman of the Finance, Policy and Administration Committee, Cllr Bob Deering, said:
"Hertford Town Council are extremely pleased to be able to provide some funding to this worthwhile cause, supporting people though lockdown with craft activities and services. This is exactly the type of scheme that the expansion of the community grants scheme supports. It's clear that it is reaching hundreds of local children in different ways and is being very much valued by the local community.”

Shop owner, Debs Bonfield added “Manic Ceramics has been offering free craft ideas and kits for most of the last 2 months, with hundreds of local families collecting these on their daily exercise route and getting creative at home! Huge thanks to Hertford Town Council from Manics for the grant that can now be used to keep doing the free kits. If you are aware of ANYONE who could benefit from a craft pack please email manicceramics@hotmail.co.uk.

Grants of up to £1 200 are available to assist organisations and individuals supporting Hertford residents during this difficult time.
If you are working to support residents within the area covered by Hertford Town Council (which includes Hertingfordbury) or for organisations who are dealing with the impact of Covid 19 in the Hertford area, Hertford Town Council would love to hear from you.

Available Grants from Hertford Town Council

Community Grants

Grants of up to £1,200 are awarded under this scheme for a range of purposes; including public events, projects being undertaken by local voluntary organisations and endeavours by individuals which show a clear benefit to Hertford residents.

New Homes Bonus Grants

Grants of up to £30,000 are available from the New Homes Bonus fund for ambitious projects to enhance and improve communities in Hertford. Available funding will be used to support and encourage a diverse range of improvement schemes and projects across all age ranges, a wide range of interests and wherever possible innovative initiatives to meet the needs of Hertford residents and businesses.

If you would wish to apply on behalf of a Hertford based project or business, please complete the application form, available to download at http://www.hertford.gov.uk

To view case studies on organisations and charities that have already benefited from funding visit www.hertford.gov.uk/page-working-with-the-community-77/

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Despite many of the County Town’s organisations having to temporarily close or move to online-only services due to COVID-19, Hertford’s retailers have dug deep and generously donated prizes totalling over thousands of pounds for a fundraising competition organised by Hertford Town Council.

Over 25 businesses have donated to the competition fundraiser, meaning over 25 fantastic prizes are up for grabs. Additional prizes will be added throughout the month-long campaign.

This fundraising campaign is organised to raise funds for East and North Hertfordshire Hospital’s Charity.

The funds raised will go to their COVID-19 Appeal and cover four NHS hospitals across Hertfordshire: Hertford County, Lister, New QEII and Mount Vernon Cancer Centre.

In order to enter the competition, a donation of at least £5 must be made on the fundraising page. A £5 donation will entitle the donor to one ticket (one chance of securing a prize). A higher donation will entitle the donor to more tickets, for example £10 = 2 tickets, £50 = 10 tickets, £75 = 15 tickets and so on.

The goal is to raise at least £5000 for East and North Hertfordshire Hospital’s Charity during this incredibly challenging and difficult time. For a list of the prizes visit www.gohertford.co.uk/directory/c/nhs-fundraiser-during-covid-19/ and link to donate visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/hertford4nhs

To ensure your donation is entered into the competition you must ensure you include your full name whilst placing your donation online.

There is no maximum donation, so please dig deep like the retailers have done and help save lives.

The competition will close on Sunday 17th May at midnight. Winners will be contacted shortly after the competition. All donations will go to East & North Hertfordshire Hospital’s Charity.

Cllr Jane Sartin, Chairman of the Development and Leisure Committee, said: “Hertford’s businesses have been incredibly generous in their donations to this fundraising effort at what is a very challenging time for them. I hope that people will support this very worthwhile appeal as much as they are able to by buying tickets. I’d also urge everyone to check what goods and services Hertford businesses are continuing to offer, and the GoHertford website is being regularly updated to reflect what can still be bought locally at this time.”

Prizes Include:

Saks - GHD Classic Hair Straighteners worth £119

Albany Radio - TEFAL Blender worth £200

The Perfect Smile Studios - Free course of teeth whitening at the Hertford practice worth

Mick’s Barbers - A year’s worth of free haircuts at the Hertford barber shop

IlVino Restaurant - A £50 gift voucher for dining at the restaurant

Frankie & Olive - A £50 gift voucher to spend in store

Brothership Studio - An A3 Love Bomb artwork print worth £300

Number One Port Hill - A night’s stay in the hotel for two including breakfast worth £160

Total Body Fit Camp - 6 Week Kickstart Programme worth £147

Lance James The Jewellers - A £50 gift voucher to spend in store

Hertford House - Bottomless Steak for 2

Salisbury Arms - Cream Tea for 2

Kids Connection - A £40 gift voucher to spend in store

Mudlarks Garden Café - One visit by the Mudlarks Special Branch gardening team to make over your garden

The White Hart - A £30 gift voucher to spend at the pub & restaurant

The Practitioner - A £30 gift voucher to spend at the cocktail bar

The Woolpack - A £30 gift voucher to spend at the pub & restaurant

Mint of Hertford - A £40 gift voucher to spend in store or online

Lee & Stort Boat Company - A family return ticket on the Ware and Hertford Waterbus

Toni & Guy - A hair treatment, haircut, blow-dry and complimentary products

Lussmanns - A Ready Meal for Two including main courses, puddings and a bottle of red or white wine to be collected

Photography by Louise - A full studio photography session with Louise plus a framed 8”x6” image worth £100

Leaf Café - A £25 voucher to spend in café

The Skull Club - Free haircut and beard trip worth £25

Gingerlillie Boutique - A pair of Glitter Gold Sliders

Messages - A £25 gift voucher to spend in store

Highway Cycles - A Bontrager Mips Helmet

Chio Fernandez - An A3 print of a sunrise landscape in South Africa

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Hertford Heroes

Over the last few weeks, we have been overwhelmed by the camaraderie, support, dedication and compassion shown by thousands of key workers, volunteers and businesses within our County Town.

The sheer quantity of people who are helping during this crisis is testament to the county’s community spirit and we wanted to share just a few stories from the week with you. Please download for further details Download File

Hertford Town Council Precept 2020/2021

Please find attached Hertford Town Council Precept 2020/2021 details. Download File

Hertford Town Council COVID-19 Update

Please find attached Hertford Town Council’s COVID-19 Update. Download File


Hertford Town Council’s Finance, Policy and Administration Committee met on Monday 9th March where grants totalling £33,360 were awarded to four Hertford-based organisations and good causes.

Community grants were awarded to:

All Saints Church, Hertford who were awarded £960 towards the cost of providing a cardiac defibrillator & accessories.

Pākiki Theatre were awarded £1,200 towards the cost of putting on the Big Herts Hero Hunt project.

Hertford Music Festival were awarded £1,200 towards the cost of promoting the Hertford Music Festival 2020.

Additionally CDA Herts were awarded a New Homes Bonus Grant of 30,000 towards the cost of a project to bring people together with the aim of connecting the community and reducing loneliness.

The Chairman of the Finance, Policy and Administration Committee, Cllr Bob Deering, said:
"As always, we are very pleased to have awarded a number of grants to a range of organisations. We hope the amounts will make a difference and assist them in the worthwhile work that is carried out to benefit both residents and visitors to the County Town."

Kate Belinis, Chief Executive of the CDA added "CDA Herts is delighted to be working in partnership with Hertford Town Council with a two year programme to build communities' connecting with each other to form friendships and have common ambitions to make Hertford a thriving place to live and work"

Available Grants from Hertford Town Council

Community Grants
Grants of up to £1,200 are awarded under this scheme for a range of purposes; including public events, projects being undertaken by local voluntary organisations and endeavours by individuals which show a clear benefit to Hertford residents.

New Homes Bonus Grants
Grants of up to £30,000 are available from the New Homes Bonus fund for ambitious projects to enhance and improve communities in Hertford. Available funding will be used to support and encourage a diverse range of improvement schemes and projects across all age ranges, a wide range of interests and wherever possible innovative initiatives to meet the needs of Hertford residents and businesses.

Applications are considered quarterly at the meetings of the Finance, Policy and Administration Committee. Deadlines for receipt of applications are as follows:

1st June 2020
21st September 2020
30th November 2020

If you would wish to apply on behalf of a Hertford based project or business, please complete the application form, available to download at http://www.hertford.gov.uk

To view case studies on organisations and charities that have already benefited from funding visit www.hertford.gov.uk/page-working-with-the-community-77/

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Noah’s Ark Town Centre Easter Trail Free activity around Hertford Town Centre for all the family to enjoy

The annual free Easter trail in Hertford Town Centre returns for 2020 and will be Noah’s Ark themed. Hertford Town Council has once again joined forces with the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters, the group behind the hugely popular Hertford Town Centre Christmas tree, poppy installation at Hertford Castle and they have recently revealed their next installation will take place at the Hertford Castle VE Day event.

The free Easter trail is aimed at children to enjoy with their families and friends, and runs from Saturday 4th April to Saturday 18th April.

Knitted Noah’s Ark paired animals will be hiding in shops and other locations around the town centre and include elephants, koalas, monkeys, lions, giraffes and many more (see photographs)

To take part in the trail, families should visit Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre, in The Wash opposite Hertford Theatre, to pick up a trail map.

Children will need to locate the knitted animals created by members of the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters in a minimum of 15 of the 20 businesses taking part around the town.

Once they have completed the trail, they will be able to collect a badge from the Town and Tourist Information Centre and submit your completed form for a chance to win a £30, £20 or £10 gift voucher to spend at a Hertford retailer.

The themed trail has been created to encourage locals and visitors to explore and discover the broad range of independent and national retailers and traders within the county town.

Chairman of Hertford Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said: “Hertford Town Council’s town centre trails are always popular, and tracking down the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters’ knitted Noah’s Ark animals will provide a fun activity for children this Easter. I’m sure adults will also enjoy looking out for the knitted characters as they visit shops around the town centre.”

The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters said:

"The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters is delighted to be collaborating with Hertford Town Council by providing handmade crafted figures for the Noah's Ark trail. We hope children will have lots of fun finding them all. Raffle tickets costing £1 will also be sold at the Town and Tourist Information Centre for a chance to win one of the knitted animals. Proceeds from the raffle tickets will go towards funding future projects."

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Seed Swap at Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre

Spring is just around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about what you want to grow in the garden, balcony and allotment this year. Come along to the first ever ‘Seed Swap’ event at the Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre on Saturday 21st March between 12noon and 3pm.

The ‘Seed Swap’ scheme is an opportunity for local gardeners to break open their seed collections and trade seeds for ones they will. This ‘Seed Swap’ is about sharing surplus seeds with others, creating an opportunity to pick up new varieties of produce and also saving money on buying new seeds. It is also a good opportunity to network with other growers and share ideas and tips.

Seeds accepted at this event are:

- Excess packets

- Unwanted varieties

- Self-harvested seeds

- Partially used packets

We ask that you ensure your seeds are clearly labelled including details on which of the categories the seeds fall within: ‘Brassicas’, ‘Vegetables and Lettuces’, ‘Root vegetables’, ‘Herbs’, ‘Flowers’ (Annuals and Perennials). If your seeds don’t fit into the set categories there will be a ‘Random’ area as well but please provide as much information as possible.

The seed exchange event is free for those that also provide seeds to exchange. For those wanting to purchase seeds a fee of 50p per pack of seeds will be and donated to Mudlarks Community Garden.

Hertford Town Council thank Van Hage Garden Centre in Great Amwell who have generously donated seeds for this event. Any leftover seeds will be donated to Mudlarks Community Garden for use at their allotment site or the Hertford Castle Grounds which they also manage.

Chairman of Hertford Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said: “This will be a great opportunity for gardeners and allotment holders to grow something new this year, and enable others to make use of unwanted seeds. It’s also a good time of year to think about taking on an allotment at one of Hertford Town Council’s 6 sites in the town, and the Seed Swap could be a good way of starting out on this.”

Please note Hertford Town Council takes no responsibility for the quality of the seeds.

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Charities Can Now Apply to Become the Beneficiary of Rock at the Castle 2020

‘Rock at the Castle’ is in its 16th year and has become a well-established and very popular part of Hertford Town Council’s annual events programme. The charity event has raised over £51,000 for local charities, which is generously donated by visitors attending the event.

The Council is offering the opportunity to local charities and organisations to apply to become the Rock at the Castle charity for 2020. The music festival will take place on Sunday 2nd August, in the grounds of Hertford Castle from 12.30 – 19.00.

Applicants will need to meet the following criteria:
• A local/national registered charity or similarly constituted body with a strong presence in Hertford
• Be able to demonstrate that its work and initiatives are of benefit to Hertford
and the local community
• A charity that has the creativity and enthusiasm to maintain fund-raising
• Be able to provide a sufficient number of volunteers to assist at the event itself

Last year’s beneficiary of the event was Age UK Hertfordshire whose dedicated volunteers raised £3035 at the event. The countywide charity promotes the wellbeing of all older people in the local community with a mission to alleviate loneliness, isolation, tackle poverty and build resilience in communities.

Chairman of the Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said: “Rock at the Castle presents a great opportunity for a charity or community organisation with a strong presence in Hertford to raise both money and its profile. If you’re involved in an organisation that’s making a difference in the town, do think about applying to be the beneficiary of this year’s event.”

The deadline for applications to become the nominated charity is Saturday 9th May, and the Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee will make a decision on which organisation will be the beneficiary of the event at their meeting in June.

To obtain a copy of the criteria and application form please visit www.hertford.gov.uk/events and search for Rock at the Castle. Alternatively, contact Hertford Town Council’s Events team on 01992 552885, or email events@hertford.gov.uk

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County Town Marks VE Day at Hertford Castle

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and Hertford Town Council is hosting an event for the County Town to mark the milestone on Bank Holiday Friday 8th May at Hertford Castle. An Art and Literature competition inspired by World War II is also being launched.

The free of charge event on 8th May starts at 12noon and runs until 3.15pm.

Hertford Castle will be open to the public for the first time this year and visitors can explore the Downshire Suite, the Robing Room and themed basement rooms including a dungeon, armoury display, courtroom and Victorian kitchen. Activities on the day will be:

  • Special exhibitions will include Hertford Museum’s WWII artefacts and memorabilia. Other exhibitions on display will include photographs and story boards detailing the lives of local Hertfordshire WWII soldiers.
  • An array of old fashioned games, entertainment, activities and stalls will be available within the castle grounds, including a performance stage where local groups will be performing songs from the era.
  • WWII-era vintage cars will be displayed on the castle lawn, including a 1930’s Austin and 1940’s Jeep.
  • McMullen’s Brewery will provide visitors with a complimentary toasting drink as part of The Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of the Second World War at 3pm.
  • Food and Drink stalls. The Mayor’s chosen charities, Herts Young Homeless and Carers in Hertfordshire, will also be running an afternoon tea stall with proceeds going to their two charities.
  • The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters will be running a ‘Make do and Mend’ stall and will also reveal their next installation at the event, which will be within the Castle grounds.
  • The North Road Plot Holders will be running a ‘Dig for Victory’ themed stall with activities and information.

An Art and Literature Competition will take place prior to the event and launch on 24th February. Children, teens and adults are invited to submit a piece of art or a piece of writing (fiction/non-fiction) by 20th April, inspired by World War II. Shortlisted artwork and literature will be displayed at Hertford Castle during the event, and winners will be announced by the Mayor of Hertford.

Entry to the competition is free of charge and entries can be handed in to the Town and Tourist Information Centre or the reception at Hertford Castle. Written pieces can be emailed to katie.goldthorpe@hertford.gov.uk. All entries much include name, contact details and age.

Entry to the event is free of charge, no registration is required, charity donations are welcome.

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Love Hertford Awards

Following the success of the 2019 Love Hertford Awards, the competition will return for 2020 and launches on 16th March 2020.

Last year over 3,000 votes were cast by the public who selected their favourite traders.

The competition is aimed to recognise and commend traders in the county town of Hertfordshire, highlight the wealth of shops and services on offer in our town centre and neighbourhood shopping areas, and encourage residents to shop locally.

At this stage of the competition, businesses are invited to enter free of charge for a chance to be crowned winner of the following categories:

Pub or Restaurant
Café or Fast Food
Hair and Beauty
Health and Wellbeing
Home and Interiors
Community and Voluntary
Food and Drink Retailers
Professional Services (eg banks, estate agents, travel agents, insurance brokers etc)
Specialised Retail (eg florist, jeweller, dry cleaner, cobbler etc)

Businesses who sell merchandise or offer a service within a retail unit can enter into a maximum of two categories and collect an entry form from the Town and Tourist Information Centre, or enter online by visiting www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/lovehertford

The closing date for entries is Saturday 18th April at 17.00.

The public will then be able to cast a vote for their preferred winner for each category. Information will be provided at the end of April.

The winner and finalist will be announced at an awards ceremony at Hertford St Andrew’s Church on 25th June 2020.

Chairman of the Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin said: “The Love Hertford Awards are an opportunity to celebrate the wealth of shops and services on offer in Hertford. I encourage all those running businesses in the town centre and community shopping areas which are open to the public to consider entering the competition in order that their customers have the opportunity to vote for them once the competition gets fully underway.

For more informaiton on last year's Love Hertford Winners please click here:


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Volunteer as a Friend of Hertford Castle

The Friends of Hertford Castle invite you to attend an Open Evening at Hertford Castle on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 6.30pm. This will be an opportunity to find out more about this voluntary organisation and sign up to be a part of it.

The Friends of Hertford Castle are an invaluable group of volunteers who help conduct Castle tours and steward at Castle open days. Set up ten years ago, the volunteers have welcomed thousands of visitors to the castle to explore the grounds, the ancient walls that surround their perimeter and inside the castle.

Membership is free of charge and commitment can vary from stewarding for a two hour period through to becoming a tour guide. Involvement is flexible for volunteers and the group welcomes everyone with an interest in the Castle and its history or who just wants to help in the community. There is no need for prior knowledge of the Castle and its history though, as information is provided.

Primarily, the volunteers assist at Castle Open Days, which are held at Hertford Castle on Sunday between 12noon and 4pm. In 2020, Hertford Town Council plans on holding seven open days from May through to October. Some of the friends also lead tours of the Castle during the week, for schools and other groups.

Chairman of the Friends of Hertford Castle, Peter Cooper, said: “We’re a friendly group of individuals passionate about history and our town. Hertford is lucky enough to have a Castle with a history dating back over 1000 years, so it’s nice to be able to help the public explore it.”

At the Open Evening on Tuesday 10th March 2020, visitors will meet other volunteers, enjoy refreshments in the Robing Room, be taken on a tour of the Castle and find out more about what’s involved in becoming a Friend of Hertford Castle.

If you are interested in attending the evening or for more information, contact Sophie Archer-Mills on 01992 552885 or e-mail Sophie.archer-mills@hertford.gov.uk

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Hertford Arts Festival

Designed to showcase and promote the local arts and culture in the county town, the Hertford Arts Festival runs from Saturday 11th April until Sunday 9th May.

During the month-long Art Trail, 43 artists will exhibit work in a prime town centre location across 38 venues. The public can view the pop-up exhibitions free of charge. The Trail is intended to encourage more visitors to the town centre, promote the artists whose work will be on sale and support the venues offering the exhibition space.

An array of media will be on display from sculpture to cartoonist, oil on canvas to pottery.

Venue opening times will vary and selected artists will be offering workshops on site. It is suggested that visitors check location opening times in advance by visiting www.gohertford.co.uk.

A hard copy of the events programme will be available to collect from Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre.

Chairman of Hertford Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said: “The Hertford Arts Festival is going from strength to strength each year. The participation of 43 artists is going to make exploring the Hertford Art Trail a must-do activity this spring, and the Festival is shining a spotlight on the many cultural organisations which add to the vibrancy of the town.”

These are the 43 artists who are taking part in the Hertford Art Trail:

The end of the Hertford Arts Festival will coincide with the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, which is being marked at Hertford Castle on Friday 8th May from 12noon – 3.15pm. The event to celebrate the anniversary of the end of World War II will include exhibitions, photos and story board detailing the lives of local Hertfordshire WWII soldiers, and other exhibitions of artefacts and memorabilia from the war.

Old fashioned games, live music and entertainment reminiscent of the era will entertain the crowds, as well as vintage cars on display. Hertford Castle will also be open for the first time this year, where the public can explore the Castle and its grounds for free.

The Arts Festival also includes other cultural events in the town including the Courtyard Arts Open Exhibition, Hertford Theatre Week, Hertford Book Festival and The Hertford Art Society Exhibition. More information can be found by visiting www.gohertford.co.uk nearer the time of the event.

Hertford Arts Festival Associate Partners, Courtyard Arts said:

"We are delighted to again be partnering with Hertford Town Council for the 2020 Art Trail. The Trail offers talented artists from the region the opportunity to network, share and market their work as part of Hertford's biggest art event. It will be wonderful to see the town transformed by their creativity in Hertfordshire's Year of Culture."

Media Partners, Zoocha said:

'Zoocha is proud to support the Arts Festival, an exciting community event that provides a platform for local artists to exhibit and for local shops and businesses to attract new customers'.

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Cars at the Castle Call for Car Exhibitors

Do you own a beautiful or quirky vehicle that you’d like to display this spring, within the spectacular grounds of Hertford Castle for visitors to admire?

Apply now to be a car exhibitor at this year’s Cars at the Castle event, organised by Hertford Town Council. The event will take place on Sunday 24th May from 12noon to 4pm and exhibiting your vehicle is FREE of charge. All vehicles are considered, old and new.

This family friendly event will have hot and cold food concessions and a bar. For the children there will be a bouncy castle, and also live music throughout the afternoon. Hertford Castle will also be open to the public free of charge to explore.

Successful applicants will also be entered into competitions on the day, judged by the Mayor of Hertford alongside a panel made up of the event sponsors. Trophies will be awarded to car owners in categories including best paint work, best interior, best post 1970 car, best pre-1970 car, best British and best foreign car.

To register to exhibit your car, visit www.hertford.gov.uk/events and view the Cars at the Castle event listing for an application form.

Application forms must be submitted before 5pm on Friday 1st May 2020.

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Hertford Town Council’s Finance, Policy and Administration Committee met on Monday 6th January where grants totalling £4,800 were awarded to four Hertford-based organisations and good causes.

Community grants were awarded to:

The Sele School who were awarded £1,200 towards the cost of sending four year 12 students to Japan to participate in the initiative UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshop Programme.

Hertfordshire Festival of Music were awarded £1,200 towards the cost of promotion of three events in Hertford at the Friends Meeting House and All Saints Church during 2020.

Hertford Quaker Meeting were awarded £1,200 towards the cost of developing a range of materials to celebrate the 350th anniversary year.

Hertford Book Festival were also awarded £1,200 towards the cost of delivering Hertford book festival in 2020.

The Chairman of the Finance, Policy and Administration Committee, Cllr Bob Deering, said:

“The Town Council are extremely pleased to be in a position to award grants to such a range of good causes in the Hertford area. It is such a wonderful start to the New Year and it is hoped that this additional funding will make a difference to these organisations that carry out excellent work in the community. These initiatives will help provide some positive cultural additions to the town and the community and support the Hertfordshire Year of Culture 2020.”

Julia Bateson, Chair of Governors at the Sele School added “This grant is a major boost for the four students who are currently involved in fundraising a total of £10,000 towards the trip to Japan. We are overwhelmed and delighted that the School has been chosen as one of only five schools across the UK to participate in this prestigious international Young Scientists Workshop and we thank Hertford Town Council for their generous contribution.”

Available Grants from Hertford Town Council

Community Grants

Grants of up to £1,200 are awarded under this scheme for a range of purposes; including public events, projects being undertaken by local voluntary organisations and endeavours by individuals which show a clear benefit to Hertford residents.

New Homes Bonus Grants

Grants of up to £30,000 are available from the New Homes Bonus fund for ambitious projects to enhance and improve communities in Hertford. Available funding will be used to support and encourage a diverse range of improvement schemes and projects across all age ranges, a wide range of interests and wherever possible innovative initiatives to meet the needs of Hertford residents and businesses.

Applications are considered quarterly at the meetings of the Finance, Policy and Administration Committee. Deadlines for receipt of applications are as follows:

10th February 2020

If you would wish to apply on behalf of a Hertford based project or business, please complete the application form, available to download at http://www.hertford.gov.uk

To view case studies on organisations and charities that have already benefited from funding visit www.hertford.gov.uk/page-working-with-the-community-77/

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Further reading