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Annual Town Meeting: 20th March 2025 - 7.30pm, Hertford Castle. Residents welcome.

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Mayor's Sponsored Walk

Posted in Press Release
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To donate visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/mayorscharitywalk

To donate visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/mayorscharitywalk

Each elected Mayor chooses two charities to support during their term in office. The Mayor of Hertford, Cllr. Bob Deering’s charities for the term 2020/21 are the Samaritans and Isabel Hospice. Throughout the year a number of events are normally organised to raise money for the chosen charities but unfortunately, due to the pandemic these have been cancelled or postponed. 

Therefore, this year, the Mayor will be undertaking a sponsored walk to raise money for these worthwhile causes. The walk will commence at the Isabel Hospice Shop, Maidenhead Street, Hertford, continuing up Port Hill turning into Ware Park Road then onto the Samaritans Ware Branch, Star Street finishing at Hertford Castle, approx. 10 miles.

If you wish to donate, please visit: www.justgiving.com/campaign/mayorscharitywalk

To learn more about the invaluable work carried out by the charities please visit our “YouTube” page and watch the recent Zoom meetings with the Mayor and their representatives at: www.youtube.com/channel/UCtqWmXOjF2ZRzYUMm8rzjpw

Cllr. Deering said: When I became the Mayor of Hertford last year, I was very pleased to nominate as my Mayoral charities the Samaritans and Isabel Hospice. They both do very important and valuable work for the community, never more so than in these difficult Coronavirus times. Sadly, due to lockdown restrictions it has been almost impossible to raise funds and my charities have also found it very difficult to raise funds themselves. 

Despite the difficulties I’m determined to do what I can for these two excellent causes and now that the rules are hopefully easing, I’ve decided to do a sponsored walk from the Isabel Hospice Shop in Hertford to the Samaritans’ base in Ware and then back to the Castle in Hertford. I’ll just have to hope that my old bones will make the full 10 miles! 

Barbara Doherty MBE, President Isabel Hospice said “Our thanks to Cllr Bob Deering, Mayor of Hertford, for all his support during this difficult year. When all our opportunities to hold events and fundraise have been postponed we have welcomed support from our community, which enables us to continue to give such vital care to patient and their families. Please continue to support us through your donations and local efforts, we at Isabel Hospice are so grateful for your help”.

Susannah Fenton, Branch Director, Samaritans Ware added “We're very grateful for the support from the Mayor and from all across Hertford. It means a lot because it reminds us that people value the service we provide and want to support us. And it means we can be there for our callers 24/7 all year round when they need our support."

Further reading