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Christmas and New Year: Hertford Town Council is closed from 25th December 2024 to 1st January 2025 inclusive.

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Hertford Town Council Unanimously Endorses the Climate and Ecology Bill

Posted in Press Release
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At the meeting of January 15th, 2024, Hertford Town Council unanimously voted to endorse the Climate and Ecology Bill currently being promoted through Parliament by the environmental advocacy group Zero Hour.

The Climate and Ecology Bill aims to rapidly cut UK greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming to 1.5°C, restore biodiverse ecosystems, and establish a citizens' assembly to engage the public on climate policy. The cross-party support from the Green and Labour coalition governing Hertford Town Council reflects its broad appeal.

The Council has written to Zero Hour's Campaigns Director Amy McDonnell, outlined its reasons for backing the bill, including that the Bill includes comprehensive statistics, contains provisions for retraining workers working in industries that will contract as result of the Bill, and involves citizens through an assembly. 

The Council willingly accepts the important role that advocacy plays in civic and community leadership, adding that the council will promote its endorsement by copying relevant MPs, posting on its website, and notifying the local press.

The Chair of the Council, Councillor Vicky Smith said "Taking action on climate change is imperative, and this bill provides a comprehensive framework for the UK to transition away from fossil fuels in a just manner. I applaud Zero Hour for this ambitious policy proposal."

Hertford Town Council's backing demonstrates the critical role local governments can play in demanding national climate legislation. As momentum grows, it is hoped that more councils are expected to join Hertford in calling for urgent, far-reaching policies to address the climate emergency.

Letter to Zero Hour

Further reading