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Hertford Calendar Competition 2023

Posted in Press Release
Calendar competition 2023 poster

Calling all budding, professional and hobbyist photographers once again!

 We need your talent as the hunt is on for photographs to represent Hertford in the town’s official calendar, published by Hertford Town Council and sold in Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre.

 Photographs should show Hertford in all its glory during any of the four seasons: the parks and gardens, the town’s four rivers, historic landmarks, joyful events taking place and its people, revealing the beauty and natural inspiration which surrounds us.

 Please submit a maximum of three photographs in landscape format by the closing date of Sunday 28th August.  To enter this free competition, simply send an email with the high-resolution photograph to tic@hertford.gov.uk along with your name, address, telephone number, and where in Hertford it was taken.

 Successful applicants will be presented with a complimentary calendar and certificate by the Mayor of Hertford.

 Cllr Jane Sartin, Chairman of the Development and Leisure Committee, said: "The Hertford calendar is an opportunity to showcase our town.  Having been part of the judging panel for a number of years, my top tip is to enter photographs which have clearly been taken in Hertford, rather than focussing on more generic images of plants or animals.  Photos that show a well-known building from an unusual angle, or that capture community events in the town are always of particular interest."

Further reading