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Farm Characters Town Centre Easter Trail. Free activity around Hertford Town Centre for all the family to enjoy

Posted in Press Release
Easter Farm Trail Poster with farm characters and scenes knitted by the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters

Children and families can participate in a Farm Characters Town Centre Trail during this upcoming Easter school holiday.

Hertford Town Council has once again joined forces with the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters (the group behind the hugely popular 2019 Hertford Town Centre Christmas tree, the poppy installation at Hertford Castle, the post box toppers and previous town centre trails) to support the high street with a FREE themed trail this Easter.

The trail is aimed at children to enjoy with their families and runs from Saturday 27th March until Saturday 10th April.

Knitted Farm Characters will be hiding in shop windows around the town centre and includes chickens, tractors, turkeys and even a farm with a farmer (see photograph).

To take part in the trail, families should visit Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre, in The Wash opposite Hertford Theatre, to pick up a trail map from the leaflet holder. 

Children will need to match the shop with the farm character or scene hiding in the window (which have been created by members of the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters) in a minimum of 9 of the 13 businesses taking part around the town.

Once they have completed the trail, they will need to submit their completed form through the letter box at the Town and Tourist Information Centre, The Wash for a chance to win a £30, £20 or £10 gift voucher to spend at a Hertford retailer.

This themed trail has been created to encourage locals and visitors to explore Hertford and discover the broad range of independent and national retailers and traders within the county town. Whilst some businesses will remain closed due to government guidelines, the characters will be displayed in windows and visitors must adhere to guidelines whilst completing the trail.

Chairman of Hertford Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said: “Hertford Town Council’s town centre trails are always popular, and tracking down the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters’ knitted farm characters and scenes will provide a fun activity for children this Easter. As many shops will still be closed over Easter, the characters will be displayed in windows, and the trail will be an opportunity for people to re-familiarise themselves with everything Hertford town centre has to offer.”

Further reading