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Annual Town Meeting: 20th March 2025 - 7.30pm, Hertford Castle. Residents welcome.

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Community Support for Hertford During COVID19

Posted in General

Since 27th April food parcels equivalent to over 37,000 meals have been delivered by local volunteer group Hertfood to families in and around Hertford needing extra support during this difficult period, with up to 62 families being supported at the height of lockdown.

Hertford was set up by Debs Bonfield and Annegret Scott, in conjunction with local schools to provide fresh food and has really helped families during a time when schools have been closed and children have been unable to access school meals.

Since March, over £7,500 has been generously donated by people in Hertford plus copious fresh food donations. The scheme was given a boost with a £1,200 community grant from Hertford Town Council in July and a further 100 boxes of food from Hertfordshire County Council when Operation Shield ended at the beginning of August. 

Further reading