On Thursday 20th March, Hertford Town Council delivered a successful Annual Town Meeting, attended by Councillors and over 20 Hertford Residents.
In her report, the Mayor of Hertford reflected on the work of the Mayoral Office over the past year and her term as Mayor of Hertford. She also spoke about the variety of events that had taken place and thanked her Consort, Jon Banks; her Deputy Mayor, Councillor S Watson; the Sergeants at Mace and Council Officers for all their support. A key priority for the Mayor this year was ‘community’ and this has been reflected in the many types of events that the Mayor has attended and hosted over the past year. Special mention was given to the Mayor’s Cadets, youth groups and Churches across Hertford.
The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Steven Watson, presented a report on the work of Hertford Town Council from May 2024 to March 2025. Attendees heard of the busy programme of work over the municipal year, including highlights such as:
- The Council welcomed over 55,000 people to 20 community events
- The Council funded worthwhile projects allocating over £85,000 to 19 groups/organisations through its Community Fund
- The Council agreed to support River Action’s ‘Charter for Rivers’ and has outlined actions to further support Hertford’s rivers and the wildlife that lives in them
- The Council hosted Hertford’s first Family Pride Day, attended by over 2500 people, celebrating ‘Be kind. Be yourself. All are welcome’
- The Council also provided a response as a statutory consultee, on over 228 planning applications.
The Hertford Town Council Annual Report 2024/2025 is available to download from www.hertford.gov.uk.
The meeting also incorporated the Mayor of Hertford Community Awards. A shortlist was produced from the many nominations made by the public. The winners were selected by the Mayor of Hertford, Councillor Rachel Carter, who presented certificates to the worthy winners.
There were 5 winners across four categories:
- The Mayor’s Community Award (Individual) - Cheryl Jackson - for supporting many people, for many years, through the Hertford and District Foodbank
- The Mayor’s Community Award (Organisation) - Home-Start Hertford Family Group - for supporting families who are vulnerable and struggling to cope with parenting
- The Mayor’s Environmental Award (Individual) - Chris Dixon - for encouraging cycling by developing an online map of cycle routes around the area
- The Mayor’s Environmental Award (Organisation) - Kingsmead Residents Association for running an impressive range of community environmental activities
- ‘Spirit of Hertford’ Award - Kev Saunders - for his long-term support of music in the town.
Hertford Town Council wishes to congratulate everybody who was nominated. The nomination process highlighted all the fantastic work undertaken across Hertford by both individuals and organisations.
Speaking about the Community Awards, the Mayor of Hertford, Councillor Rachel Carter commented: “It was a very difficult task to select winners from so many worthy nominations from Hertford’s vibrant and dedicated community. It is testament to our town that so many people and groups work so hard to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live, work and visit.”
For further information on the Mayor of Hertford’s Community Awards please see www.hertford.gov.uk/mayor-of-hertford-community-heroes which will be updated once photographs have been published. If you have any queries, please contact mayoral@hertford.gov.uk.