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Annual Town Meeting: 20th March 2025 - 7.30pm, Hertford Castle. Residents welcome.

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We want to hear your ideas on how we can build a sustainable future together. 

We have created a survey for you to share your views, we are grateful for your input at: Hertford 2030 Survey

We are also asking local schools and youth groups to help shape the Strategy. We have put together some educational packs for Hertford's children and young people to get involved and have fun while thinking about what matters to them in terms of the environment.

Here are the educational packs for download:

Key Stage 1 - Hertford 2030 Educational Pack KS1

Key Stage 2 - Hertford 2030 Educational Pack KS2

Secondary - Hertford 2030 Educational Pack Secondary

Youth groups such as Brownies, Rainbows, Scouts and Guides are all most welcome to use the most appropriate pack - perhaps helping to work towards any 'green' badges.

Please do share your thoughts, ideas and drawings with the Council on social media #hertford2030 or via: hertford2023@hertford.gov.uk 

You can also use this email address to request these resources on Canva so you can personalise them to your school/group.

Feel free to download and share our survey poster (including QR code): Hertford 2030 Survey Poster