Evron, France

Evron is a town of 7,000 people on the département (county) of Mayenne, due South of Cherbourg and 150 miles Southwest of Paris. The nearest towns are Le Mans and Laval. Evron is a thriving town, based on a blend of industry and farming - it is noted for its meat and cheese.
At the heart of the old town is the beautiful Basilica of Notre-Dame, parts of which date from the 11th Century. The shopping centre is similar in size to Hertford's, having a generous number of café-bars. Surrounded by pleasant countryside, it is close to the chateaux of the Loire and has many recreational facilities, including sailing on a nearby lake.

A highlight of the Evronnais year is the annual meat festival, which is held at the town's showground on the first weekend of September. This agricultural show attracts people from a wide area to witness the judging of the animals and to join in the festivities amidst much pomp and ceremony.
A permanent reminder of the twinning is the British red telephone box in the market place, presented to the town of Evron in 1991. More recently, a weathervane in the shape of the hart of Hertford has been installed on the roof of one of the major buildings in the town.
Annual membership is £5 per person and £10 per family which includes children under the age of 16. For more information, please contact Ray on 01992 307957 or David on 01992 558634 or John on 01992 584779
or view the Friends of Evron Website