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Annual Town Meeting: 20th March 2025 - 7.30pm, Hertford Castle. Residents welcome.

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Mayor's Writing Competition

Mayor's Writing Competition

The Mayor of Hertford invites you to write an original short story (max 500 words) or poem on the theme 'Hertford's Magical Rivers'.

There is no fee to enter this competition.

Entries will be judged in the following four age categories: 7-10 years, 11-14 years, 15-18 years, adults.

Entries should be submitted by email to mayoral@hertford.gov.uk and include details of the entrant's address or school / youth organisation attended (please see terms and conditions below for further details).  

Closing date 7th February 2025.

Winners will receive a book token prize and be invited to read their short story or poem at a Mayoral event in February at Hertford Castle.

Terms and Conditions

Entries submitted after the closing date of 7th February 2025 may not be considered within the competition.

This competition is open only to residents of Hertford or children / young people who attend a school or youth organisation in Hertford.  Entries should therefore be submitted with entrants' address or details of the school or youth organisation that a child or young person attends.  

Hertford Town Council is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information.  All information submitted will be treated in accordance of the Privacy Policy, details of which can be found here

Please contact mayoral@hertford.gov.uk with any further queries.

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Monday, 2nd December 2024

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