Environmental Sustainability
Planned Outcome: Reduced carbon footprint, improved sustainability, and demonstrated exemplary implementation encouraging best practices in the wider community of Hertford.
Key Achievements: The Council has agreed an Objective to ‘Develop and implement a strategy for the Council to improve its carbon footprint and sustainability’. A working party has been set up to provide oversight on the progress of the work identified in the Councils Eco Audit Report, January 2021, as well as the Eco Audit Update Report, April 2024.
To date:
(Current Status of all actions is included in the Working Party Meeting Agenda)
- Loft Insulation has been installed at the Castle and Seed Warehouse
- Halogen lights replaced with LED ones at the Castle and War Memorial
- 90% of all lights in the Town Council Offices have been replaced with LED
- Infra-red heating has replaced Hertford Castle's old heating system and to date has significantly decreased energy consumption.
- Investigatory work undertaken into improving insulation and heating systems in the Seed Warehouse
- Greenspace Action Plans adopted for the Council Cemetery and All Saints Churchyard
- Hertford Town Council has significantly reduced its paper usage saving approximately 77 trees annually.
Hertford Town Council Environmental Sustainability Action Plan
To discover more on the progress of the plan please visit Council Meetings
Get involved: If you are aware of any other initiatives in Hertford please email us on info@hertford.gov.uk